Thursday, March 3, 2016


 * My Report*


     When we talk about multimedia, first things comes into mind are graphics, drawings, music and videos and that is right. So, the definition of multimedia, is any kind of computer or other technological information and material which can be presented through images, graphics, drawings, videos, music or animations. The multimedia or electronic devices which are used to make this information useful are monitor or display screen for graphics, images and videos. While speaker or mp3 players are used for music or audio. It can be in form of different contents consists upon text, audio, animation, video, etc. There are two kinds of multimedia, namely linear and non linear multimedia. When you watch a movie in a cinema, it is kind of linear multimedia. You just control the voice and on & off feature. While movie run without any further navigation control. On the other hand, video game is the kind of non linear multimedia, which is controlled through external navigation. Game works according to your instructions.


Hypermedia is a complex term than multimedia. A little effort will be required to completely understand its core concept. Hypermedia means converting graphics, audios, videos, text, animation, hyperlinks, drawings, etc. in hypertext form with the help of a programming tool or software. Adobe Flash Player, Adobe Reader, Adobe Director, Macromedia Flash Player, Macromedia Authorware, Visual FoxPro and FileMaker Developer are the tools, which are used for hypermedia applications. There is a special language for hypermedia, which is used to make multimedia files to be capable of in operating sate. Unlike multimedia, it has only one non linear medium quality. If you are reading a document or book on your computer, it allows you to navigate on any part of the document. It is also the fundamental and structural part of the World Wide Web.


               From the Educational Technology I course,the student has already become aware of multimedia or an audiovisual package that includes more than one instructional media (means of knowing)such as text,graphics,audio animation and video clips.

            Hypermedia is nothing,but multimedia,but this time packaged as an educational computer software  where information is presented and student activities are integrated in a virtual learning environment.Most educational  IT applications are hypermedia and these include:
  •   Tutorial software packages;
  •   Knowledge webpages;
  •   Simulation instructional games;and
  •   Learning project management,and others.

      The presentation of information -learning activities in hypermedia is said to be sequenced in a non-linear  manner,meaning that the learner may follow his path of activities thus providing an environment of the learner autonomy and thinking skills.
            The flight simulator used train pilots is an example of a highly developed hypermedia program.Observe that is simulates an environment  that allows student pilots to practice authentic (as is needed to be done in the real world) tasks while reducing the load of the cognitive mode of learning.

  There are two important features that are outstanding among other features that characterize the hypermedia software:

  1.Learner control.
      This means the learner makes his own decisions on the path,flow or events of instructions.The learner has control on such aspects as sequence,pace,content,media,feedback,
etc.that he/she may encounter in the hypermedia learning program.

2.Learner wide range of navigation routes.
    For the most part,the learner controls the sequence and pace of his path depending on his/her ability and motivation. He/she has the option to repeat and change speed ,if desired.

   The learner also has a wide  range of navigation routes such as by working on concepts,
 he/she is already familiar with .He/she may follow a linear or logical path,,even if the previous activity is half-completed.

3.Variety of media.
    Hypermedia includes more than one media (text,graphics, audio,animation,and video clip)but does not necessarily use all types of media in one presentation. Since only virtual learning activity takes place,it is important from the standpoint of the teacher to optimize the learning process oby identifying the characteristics of media application,as well as the advantages and limitations of such an application.

 Given all its capabilities,hypermedia still does not replace life's experience and learning from nature and life.This is the saying that information and communication technology cannot replace the teacher altogether. Note that even technologists admit that the computer has an IQ of zero and depends on what man can input of make of it.GIGO or "garbage-in,garbage-out"is the very first principle that should be remembered about the computer.

  In the use of hypermedia the following instructional events will prove useful to the teacher.
  • Get the learner's attention.
  • Recall prior learning.
  • Inform learners of lesson objectives.
  • Introduce the software and its distinctive features.
  • Guide learning,eliciting performance.
  • Provide feedback.
  • Assess performance.
  • Enhance retention and learning transfer


            Hypermedia provides personalized learning activities as it helps those slow and poor learners. It gives activities suited to your learning objectives and needs. It presents variety of media that will really cater those fast and slow learners. Whereas in a traditional teaching methods, the teacher would take extra time, attention and effort to help the students who are slow in understanding the lessons. With that it gives teacher a hard time to develop new strategies and objectives for both fast and slow learners. So, it is really beneficial for the teacher to use hypermedia. It is also then possible for a teacher to let his students search, explore and discover in a traditional classroom. But with that, you need to provide the student an event to apply the learning, resources and materials as well as much time since the teacher has to take into consideration each one especially the slow learners.

        Hypermedia is really helpful for both the learner and the teacher but traditional learning does not mean no improvement on the student. It is still the best way for a nation which is not more particular or do not find it a need with using computers and information technology in boosting their economic status. Let us remember, computers have limitations and disadvantages too! As a teacher we should facilitate them.


            Before the implementation of the hypermedia in the class we should be prepared first and know our capacity in handling this new innovation in order for a good instruction to our students someday. Keeping them in our guidance and also monitor them as we go along the every activity in the class. Hypermedia is an aid in our instruction and it is a big help as a future educator someday and to have a collaboration between you and to your students.

            Keeping them in the right track and giving them right instructions in every activity to avoid misconception in the class. Hypermedia is one way to make the class interactive and comprehensive.   

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